RESEARCH & USER TESTING Curiosity fuels the best digital strategies

(Caffeine doesn't hurt either.)

Curious about how your users think? We are.

Nothing opens your customers’ wallets faster (or wider) than demonstrating that you know them. Not in that creepy “we’ve been cyberstalking you” way, but in that “let’s have coffee and chat about what’s important to you” way.

We’re curious folks, so we like to look at interactions from a variety of perspectives, both direct and indirect. We investigate. We imagine. We try things out. We test.

Because the more solid our foundational understanding of your customers, the better able we are to help you tug at their purse strings.

The kinds of research we do:

  • Accessibility Audit
  • Analytics Audit
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Content Audit
  • Functional Specifications
  • Heuristic Evaluation
  • Voice of Customer Surveys
  • Persona Development
  • User Interviews
  • Use Cases

Let's Connect

Whether you want to create something new, or enhance what you have, -- we want to hear from you.

let's connect

The kinds of user testing we do:

  • Eye Tracking
  • Usability Tests
  • Focus Groups