AlphaSub Headning - AlphaSub is a Subscription Module for Sitecore OrderCloud
Packaging Dolly

Introducing the AOF App

An order fulfilment app for use by store employee's when picking and packing orders.

AOF - Alpha Order Fulfullment App

Optimize your pick and pack process

Your orders gets placed and that's great. But what about the fulfillment?


With AOF you will have the following functionality right at your hand:


  • List orders ready for fulfilment at each store
  • Assign orders to yourself or un-assign as needed
  • Direct phone call to customer if you need to talk about potentially changes to the order
  • Add notes to the order.
  • Designed and optimized for one-hand-use
  • Short order lines - adding or subtracting quantities
  • Substitutions - switching products out with other products
  • Search for products in the product catalog
  • Barcode scan, for easy search and/or substitutions
  • Printing out packing lists


The app is easy to customize for specific needs and use cases - B2C or B2B. 

The use cases - and some details


The AOF App is a Progressive Web App. Fast, Responsive and support Barcode scanning to make it productive and easy to work with.


Several use cases is supported by AOF - as an example let's look at a retailer with these characteristics:

  • Multiple Brick and mortar stores
  • Supports: Buy Online Pickup In Store (BOPIS) and Delivery with multiple providers such as Uber or DoorDash.
  • No dedicated inventory for online orders. Picking happens at each physical store - directly from the shelves in each store. 


This is a pretty common use-case, and one that fits well with AOF. There's fulfillment apps out there, but they obviously depends on having there own Product Catalog to work from. This often leads to these catalogs not being "in sync" - which leads to a lot of issues ending up in bad user experiences.  

AOF is build on top of Sitecore OrderCloud - so a perfect match would be if your storefronts or B2B solution is built with OrderCloud. In this case - the Product Catalog  is already there, and you will never experience problems having Product Catalogs being out of sync. On another front - there's most likely a large cost saving eliminating a 3rd party in-store fulfillment system.


In OrderCloud this setup would be modelled each physical store as a Supplier and each store employee as a Supplier User. When the Supplier User login to AOF, she/he will see orders that's ready to be picked in that given store. 


Through the intuitive interface, the rest of this picking process will happen on the mobile device. As it's on a mobile devise there's quick function to scan Barcodes on products, calling the customer with a single click etc. 


You might have special flows and special use-cases? 


Not a problem. The AOF App is really easy to customize to a workflow that fits your needs and business. 



API First
Single hand use

AOF can be used with a single-hand, so you can use the other hand to pick the product for your order


AOF provides a quick, productive and flexible solution for in-store order fulfillment

AOF Print out - Packing list
Packing lists

Directly from the AOF App you can print packing lists when and if needed

Demos and contact


If you're interested in taking a closer look at our AOF - please reach out. For now - you can take a look at a small demo showing some of features of the app.



Want to have a talk with us? Please contact us here